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Hello Hurricane
you can't
silence my love
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![]() ![]() Hello there, Stranger! Welcome to my humble little blog. The name's Tammie, but friends call me Tam (not 'thumb'). Who am I, you ask? I'm not that smart top-scorer girl in your class. I'm not that pretty lass you always see on the streets either. I am passionate, stubborn and emotional. My absolute most favorite thing to do is hanging out with people I care & love. My passion burns for Jesus & photography. I wish to travel more and see more. This blog was created so I get to jot down my feelings. Happenings in life. That is, if I'm not too lazy to update ;) |
![]() Shanlyn Yin Nancy Cynthia ChinTeng Jocelyn Choulyew KarNee Amanda XinYong JiaWen Gacky MingSheng Alex WeiShze Netty Chii Ace Dominic Nicholas |
![]() Birthdays!!
Nah.. Huey Sheng, I owe you this. lol. HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY!! sorry, I kept forgetting when's your birthday.. :P I remember now Thanks to Facebook XD Another birthday girl (tomorrow 29th) ![]() Miss Gacky! Happy Happy Happy Happy Birthday!! May you get prettier as the years goes by and get that Mr. Right! ;) keep taking wonderful pictures and may your talent grow~ <3 back to top? 4 comments |
![]() 1 Malaysia :)
I went to the beach yesterday. Dragged 2 of my classmates, my brother, my 2 cousins and my uncle along.. Me and Rowei back to top? 13 comments |
![]() hehehehehe...
I'm feeling so stupid now.Guess what happened this morning?? Are you guessing? You better guess! lol. This morning my mum came into my room saying "Why did you say your phone disappear?" I gave her the longest stare with those sleepy eyes and manage to choke out "Since when did I said my phone disappear??" "Not your new phone! The phone you were using before you said your old phone was stolen!" OH MY GEE! "BUT IS WAS STOLEN!!" "Your father found it in your SCHOOL bag this morning..oh yeah and he's going to take your bag to Genting with him.." My jaw was half open by then. "NO WAY! IT WAS STOLEN! I can't find it anyway in my bag..I turned it upside down but still can't find it!!" Mom came back a minute later, I was still in the same shock position on my bed. She threw the phone to me. It was real... I LAUGHED. What can I do? XD So.... apparently my phone was not stolen. Yes I feel like a complete idiot, thank you very much. All I can say is, I didn't check properly when I was finding for my phone. (I'm not a drama queen!!) xoxo feeling like very very a silly girl, tammie back to top? 8 comments |
![]() 19 now!
Hey Alex HAPPY BIRTHDAY~ <--this is blue Finally, you're 19. haha.. but still, don't be forgetful. old man. XD Have a good one this year :) God bless! back to top? 8 comments |
![]() Dad on msn!
I added my own dad on MSN yesterday.and let me tell you, it was weird. LOL. First of all, Dad has no idea what MSN is about. So getting him to click on 'accept' at my request was like giving him instructions on how to fix a bicycle. Dad did manage to accept my request but he was having problems with his web cam. So I gave up. My bro took over. Kevin was basically shouting the instructions through the phone. That's because my dad just couldn't fine the right button to click XD But I gotta give Dad credit. Ever since he went to work in Bukit Tinggi/Genting, he's learned how to type a complete text message to my mum. *proud* haha.. Dad's never been tech savvy. He was always ignorant about new technology. Well, now he can't be ignorant anymore XP back to top? 12 comments |
![]() Randoms
45 days to go. Why am I still blogging? and talking to myself? and asking questions to myself? this is not a good sign right? >< haven't really blog these few days. it's like a few posts in a few weeks. Sad. Anyway, updates from my life. I feel so random today. err..yeah my phone. XD I know it's not pretty but I don't care :D I know you guys are gonna think I'm crazy. but I just absolutely love THAT face you make when you first see my phone. Yesh! that face. Do it it again. Love the expression. The expression that says 'Tam, are you out of your mind?' That expression is priceless! XD So maybe I'm a little out of my mind.. but I'd do anything to see that expression come across your face again.lol. And just becuase I bling-ed my phone doesn't make me a LaLa Mui ok?? Change that mind set. lol. Bling phone not equal to LaLa Mui. >< *My phone is bling-er then your's, Aaron! XD Back to serious topic. So far, I like this phone. Not complaining tho but LG camera aren't as good as Sony Ericsson's. LG cookie has a 3 mega pixel camera but I think a 2 mega pixel SE takes better quality pictures. *shrugs* I still love my Cookie XP Sorry not a photographer today. bad lighting. argh. Oh yeah, I went cycling around my housing area the other day. I was suprised to see a tiny thing hopping across the road. So I stopped and found out it was a rabbit. and next to the rabbit was a jet black cat. Woah. A uncaged rabbit out in the big bad world. A world full of starving kitty cats. First thing that came to my mind was, do cat eat rabbits? and ummm..yeah.. I feel stupid after asking myself this question. Felt even more stupid with my answer. I was thinking 'yes'. that explains my drawing: This rabbit is under nutritious or something. It's body is almost fur-less. I think it shed too much fur. It looks like such a poor thing. It's head is huge but its body is to tiny.. due to its lack of body fur. Not cute dy.. kinda scary, in fact. lol. like a mutant rabbit. (Yes the pictures were taken with my phone. See what I mean? I like SE's camera phone better) I notice there's lots of October babies. no? :) Gonna have a few posts up for them soon. Til then, don't miss me (I seriously have no idea why I'm so cheeky today) xoxo tam back to top? 10 comments |
![]() 1 year old BeaniPet!
![]() Someone's birthday is coming~ On October 24th.. BeaniPet is turning 1! BeaniePets are the cutest pillows ever invented and I'm so excited to see more. Glad these little fluffy puffy pillows are going to be 1 years old soon! Happy Birthday! on October 24th Hope to see many more birthdays to come~ back to top? 2 comments |
![]() Earthquake >_<
You guys probably know by now that an 7.9 earthquake hit Indonesia yesterday, right? Actually, not just an earthquake but also tsunami and typhoon... but let's just stick to the earthquake. Well, when I first felt the building shaking, I have no idea it was from an earthquake from our neighboring country. You see, I was at tuition during 6.15pm yesterday. I was so happily chatting away when my friend suddenly shut up. I look at her like she was possessed. She was pointing at the empty table behind my back... So I turned around. At first I was nothing, only that the table was shaking slightly. Some other students were already pointing at that table and whispering. the table was shaking like nobody's buissness. I first thought they were going to say there's ghost in this class or something paranormal. I was about to say 'It's nothing lar. Would it comfort you guys if I tell you there's no ghost(s)?' But I didn't get to say that because my friend said before me: 'Do you realize our whole class is moving?' I held my breath. And after a moment, I felt it. Our tuition class was moving. Shaking, at least. Upon realizing that, I am proud to tell you guys I did not scream. I did not. Did not. but I was on the verge of screaming. lol. Big difference ok. Hey, I wouldn't have freaked out if I wasn't on the 5th floor of a building that proudly proclaims it's builded in the 1970s. Seriously. Tell me you won't freak out too, when you are 5 stories above the ground when you felt that you're tuition class is about to collapse ^^ I got a text from cousin Yin that night saying 'Wei, did you feel the earthquake?' I text back'Yeah, how did you know? Was at tuition just now,whole class was shaking. so scary.' Yin's text: 'its just a minor turmoil rite? U la drama queen.' I am not a drama queen. 49 days left 'til Doom Day. I am so deceased. Murdred. Dead. Save me. Shall update if I survive Doom Day, xoxo Tammie still not a drama queen. back to top? 7 comments |